From the parallel Earth we connect to:
First hybrid race - MAZ-EH
Maz’eh / “The Grey’s” - are mutated humans from a parallel Earth that destroyed their world - no longer able to reproduce - would go extinct without viable source of human DNA.
They used technology to tunnel into various parallel reality versions of Earth for human DNA (Human agreement made on higher level) - infused viable DNA with their own to create the hybrid civilizations, that would allow their culture to continue.
Second hybrid race - MA-ZA-NI
'The Tall Whites' - a type of hypersapien species.
Next stage of hybridization from the “Grey’s” incorporating human DNA - little closer resemblance of a hybrid that could continue their species - still not sufficient for number of reasons - (phase one of hybridization agenda).
Third hybrid race - SASSANI
The Sassani are a half way blend betweeh a Maz-Eh /Grey and a human.
They are quasi-physical beings (straddling the border of physical & non physical reality, 4th & 5th density). 5ft average, white to whitish-grey skin, slender bodies, small nose, small mouth, small ears, slightly larger head. Larger eyes - their iris’s are grey or blueish, sometimes there are slightly different faint & pale colors in the iris, around a very large pupil- which you would see a little bit of the iris around it. More like what Humans are used to seeing as an eye, but their pupils are so large sometimes one may not be totally aware of the white area surrounding the iris. Males are bald, females usually whitish hair- but sometimes not. Closest ethnic approximation would be a very exaggerated version of Tibetan.
4th hybrid race: Sha’ya’el / little more human appearance, much larger eyes, relatively slender, more Human looking than Sas’sani, assisting the Ya’ya’el in their “acclimatization agenda” to interact with humanity - “One of the Precursor Beings.”
Fourth hybrid race - SHA-YAHYEL
They still larger eyes, and small stature.
More human-looking than Sas’sani, assisting the Ya’ya’el in their “acclimatization agenda” to interact with humanity - “One of the Precursor Beings.”
This race acts as a guide for the Shalanaya.
Fifth hybrid race - YA-YAHYEL
Very similar looking to a human, but still express a few hybrid looking traits that would stand out to natural humans - “One of the Precursor Beings.”
Between the Fifth and Sixth hybrid race - SHALANAYA
‘The hybrid children’ created from recent and bigger portions of human DNA.
“The First Ones” - hybrid children that live on the ships and will ultimately be returned to Earth to live among Humanity - act as step-up transformers (buffers) to prepare Humanity to interact with higher vibrating beings.
Humans will evolve into a harmonized blending & continuing evolution for Earth/Humans - natural biological blending between Sha’linya & Humans.
Sixth hybrid race - E’NANNI’KA - “The ancestor spirits”
A blending of all the 6 former hybrid races.
Seventh race - ANU-HET
Anu’het - a future blending of all six hybrid races in one - conclusion of grand cycle that began with the Anu’naki - represent (passion, power & peace).
The Anu-Het will extend themselves out into the galaxy in such a manner as to create a next Interstellar Alliance that will last approximately 100,000 years.
The 5 levels of mastery
The 1ste level of Mastery: Cryptic
The idea of becoming a Cryptic is to learn to communicate and commune with nature spirits, as nature (trees, rocks, animals, sky, elementals….). Fully becoming a part of nature and experiencing yourself in that way. This grounds you, anchors you like the roots of a tree to the Earth and nature spirits. Then you can move on in a grounded way to explore higher energies, parallel realities, and so forth. Also to be able to extend your senses to hear the ‘stories’ of the nature aspects.
The 2nd level of mastery: Nocturnal
The Nocturnal stage is about starting to connect into your other multi-dimensional selves – the parallel realities, the other kinds of versions of you that might exist in these other realities simultaneously, and starting to download information from them and use it in a more conscious way, recognizing all those linkages in an energetic, higher dimensional way.
So the ability to download and apply the information you call upon from the other realities you connect to.
The 3rd level of mastery: Shapeshifter
Shapeshifter are not actually altering their own molecular structure or chemistry, per se, but they are taking on the persona to the degree that they need to of other parallel versions of their own being and presenting those to those who are in the reality in which they are anchored. So they are really becoming a literal reflection of different parallel reality individuals. This is why they can also take on the form of aspect from nature (animals, trees, rocks…) They are just different angles of different reflections of us all.
The 4th level of mastery.: Sage
The Sage can also actually call upon the reality itself and change the reality around them to be representative of another parallel reality to the degree that others can sense this, and perceive and experience this as well. We could call this wizardry, witchcraft and magic, but it is simply the idea of identifying so strongly with another parallel reality, that they can allow others to match a frequency very easily and they can actually see that parallel reality. So it appears to be conjuring objects, changing physical objects within their reality. They are allowing an object that already exists simultaneously, right here right now, from another parallel reality to appear before your eyes and take the place of what was there before in the reality that you are used to.
The 5th level of mastery: Wraith
A Wraith is quasi physical, so they have the quality of a spirit. Space and time becomes dissolved for them , thus they can experience and reflect other dimensions. They can make adjustments inside the template level of reality and can create great changes to occur in the physical world round them and their parallel realities. They can extend their abilities into other parallel realities, visit those other parallel realities, cause changes in those other parallel realities in addition to their own. Because now they are coming from the level of spirit that bridges all parallel realities.
Symbols of the 5 levels of Mastery:
1. Cryptic: a triangle shape representing Earth / Mountains. Mastering rocks, animals, sea, sky deepen our roots
2. Nocturnal: a wavy line, representing the Sea. Understanding the night and parallel realities.
3. Shapeshifter: the shape of an arc, representing the Sky and the changing weather patterns. Call on ideas from other realities.
4. Sage: a circle shape, representing the Void out of which all things come, totality of the universe. “Wizardry” and changing reality.
5. Wraith: a dot, representing the centre Source, which is spirit. Bridge between physical and spirit.
Take action on the opportunity that contains the highest excitement.
The highest excitement doesn’t have to come in the form of a big project or career, as long as any option contains even a little more excitement than any other option, act on the most exciting option.
Excitement is your body’s physical translation of a communication from your higher mind. Respond to it by physically acting on the excitement.
Check your beliefs to make sure you aren’t making anxiety appear to be excitement.
Check your beliefs to make sure you aren’t making excitement appear to be anxiety through fear-based definitions.
Act on that excitement to the best of your ability.
Use all your skills, talents, imagination and abilities in taking the action.
Act to the fullest degree you are able to act.
If more than one opportunity has equal ability to be acted upon, choose either and it will show you whether or not to continue down that path.
Keep acting until you have no more ability to act.
When you can no further, choose the next most exciting thing you are able to take action on.
Physical parameters, laws of society, moral values and ethical standards van all indicate whether or not you have the ability to take action.
Act on that excitement with absolutely zero insistence or assumption with respect to a specific outcome
Understand that insistence on a specific outcome manifestation or path may actually prevent a better manifestation that you can imagine take place.
The thing itself that excites you may not need to come to fruition. It may only excite you to get to take action in order to create the state of being in which the thing that actually needs to manifest can do so.
Acting on this three-part formula with integrity aligns you with the complete toolkit of excitement that:
Provides every form of support, abundance or information you need.
Becomes the driving engine that moves you forward.
Acts as the organizing principle that shows you what to act on in what order and when.
Presents you with the path of least resistance to flow through life.
Connects you to all other expressions of your excitement no matter what form they come in.
Becomes the reflecting mirror that reveals anything within your beliefs that is out of alignment with your true vibration of excitement.
Leaves nothing relevant out.
When you activate the complete kit known as “excitement”, it will work for you automatically, effortlessly at every moment without fail as you allow yourself to move forward in that way your life will become an ecstatic explosion of synchronicity which is very magical.
Things will begin to happen all around you because magic again is the true nature of existence. Miracles are the natural order of things, not the exception.
Sassani Basic principles
You are a non-physical consciousness that is experiencing a physical reality.
You are here on Earth at this time because you chose to be. You were created in the image of the creator. Your essential essence is unconditional love and the experience of ecstasy is your birth right.
The highest purpose of your life is to be yourself to the best of your ability and live each moment as fully as possible.
You always have free will and the freedom to choose.
Anything you can imagine that is relevant for your life’s theme is possible for you to experience.
You attract your life experiences through the interaction of your strongest beliefs, emotions and actions.
Excitement is the physical translation of the vibrational resonance that is your true, core natural being. Follow your excitement (see The formula).
You are naturally abundant and your choices are always supported by creation.
There is actually only one moment in creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view.
You create the past and the future from the ‘here and now’.
You are an eternal being while you may change your form, your consciousness (soul) cannot cease to exist.
Everything you experience is another aspect of yourself.
You are loved so unconditionally by creation that you can even choose to believe that you are not loved.
Sassani Quotes:
The Higher self
The higher self will not give you more to act upon until you have acted on what you have already been given.
The sooner you use every circumstance you have created to learn from, the sooner it can change into another situation. The only reason that something you prefer would not come into your life is because you are not using the situation in the present to learn from in a positive way, but assuming it is an interruption.
The language of physical reality
Words are all well and good. Intentions are all well and good, but the language of physical reality is physical action; therefor, actions taken will matter. Actions not taken will matter too, but not necessarily in a direction you prefer.
Spirituality is just a Higher understanding of physics.
Unrequited love:
There is no such thing as unrequited love. If it is “unrequited”, it isn’t love, it’s expectation, it’s not allowing the relationship to be what it is. It’s not accepting the love in the form in which it actually comes in the relationship as being good and real enough.
The unrequited love is that they’re not loving themselves as much as they could. That’s what’s unrequited, and they’re simply getting a reflection of that.
Controlling thoughts
It’s not about controlling your thoughts; it’s about letting them happen and being okay with that because you know that whatever comes up you can deal with it in a way that will give you a benefit.
Mastery over physical reality
Mastery over physical reality doesn’t necessarily mean that you alter it. Mastery over physical reality means that you don’t care if it changes or not. When you understand that you can be in bliss regardless of what’s going on in the physical reality, then you will have mastered physical reality.
All these ideas you call crystals, even though they have power and can funnel power through them, are simply catalysts and triggers for your own power. They are mirrors of who and what you are.
Crystals store information because of their molecular matrix of how the pattern and molecules within them is arranged. That is a presentation of information storage in terms of how light courses through the crystal.
Dragons are an interpretation of a very powerful level of consciousness. They are certain kinds of beings that exist in another dimension, that appear that way when they come into your reality.
The dragon shape is an interpretation of those beings as physical beings on your plane. It’s not how they look in their own reality, but that’s how they translate into yours.
The Atlanteans interacted with many forms of natural life, in particular communicating with the dolphins and the whales. Many of which were allowed into the temples through great channels, through great ideas of canals, which allowed them to swim right into the centre of the pools in many of the temples in Atlantis so that they could commune together and build the idea of a society of land and sea.
Negative attachments
There is no such thing as a negative entity attachment. This is an old-fashioned, outdated, medieval way of saying that for some reason you have a belief you are holding onto that allows you to match the vibration f another being that might be operating on a negative vibratory level, but the idea is that I will feel like an attachment because that’s the way negative things have to be translated in order for you to feel like you have no power to change it. But you do. Just stop matching the frequency and you will no longer feel an attachment.
Conscious creator
Become a conscious creator, because you are one consciousness. What you call subconsciousness and unconsciousness are simply convenient terms for things you do not want to face. But of you understand the following, there is absolutely no reason to fear anything unknown. There is absolutely nothing you could ever discover about yourself that cannot be applied in a positive way, if that is what you choose to do.
All healing is the so-called healer giving off a frequency in their energy field that represents the healed state. The person coming to them must choose to match that frequency in order to heal themselves. No healer ever directly heals anybody. You give them the option and the opportunity to match a frequency that will allow them to bring themselves into a healed state, should they so choose.
When a healer gives off that vibration, for someone who asked for that vibration, when you have given the gift, when you have set off the vibration, that gives them the choice to match it, whatever they do with what you have given them is none of your business.
Please remember, you are eternal, infinite, indestructible beings.
Your imagination is for creating a vibrational reality that is representative of the state of being you prefer. Doing everything you can to closely proximate the behaviour you see yourself ding in that reality.
By using your imagination as a mirror, by mirroring it as closely as you can in physical reality on earth, you will be bringing that vibration into your reality and allowing your reality to transform as closely as it possibly can to that experience.
It’s all about frequency because that’s really the only thing that can differentiate what is essentially a homogenous medium. The ‘one’ or ‘all-that-is’ is a homogenous medium. So anything you perceive as a difference has to be ‘the one” expressing itself at a different frequency in order to appear to be something else.
We understand that words have different meanings in your society, and excitement, in a sense, can be many things to many people. It can be unconditional love, it can be joy, it can be bliss, ut can be passion, it can be a peaceful state of mind You don’t always have to be jumping up and down to be excited. When we talk about the idea that we refer to as excitement in your language, we ae talking about the vibrational state that represents you being in harmonious alignment with your true, natural self
As you act on your excitement, one of the first things it will do is bring to your attention those things within you that are not representative of your excitement to give you rhe opportunity to clear them out, so that you can transform them into more excitement.
Sometimes your highest excitement excites you just to magnetize you, to get you to move, so that you can be in the appropriate position to receive something else. But what you will finally understand is that it has allowed you to move, and get out of an old vibration, so that you can actually receive what you really needed. That’s why you need to drop expectations about the things that excite you having to come to a specific fruition.
Joy and excitement to you if you get the unexpected. Allow the unexpected to come. Be open to the unexpected, for you will then allow the higher mind to constantly gift you with surprise, after surprise.
Permission slips
In general, you will also arrive at a point where you will realize that you don’t really need them to simply make a change within yourself. Just because that’s what you wish to do, you will simply shortcut the process, not need to technique, not need the tool. You will simply say, “well, I’ll just choose, I will just choose to be that way. I will just choose to be that state of being. I don’t need any other tools, any other technique, other than the recognition that what I choose will be so”.
Gamma frequency
Anytime you are doing what you love to do, you’re in the Gamma frequency, 40 cycles per second. And when you’re in that frequency there is much more coherence, much more synthesizing, much more processing going on, much more connectivity, much more association going on in your brain. The brain becomes a better receiver of higher frequency energies, and then you will know, you will experience, you will feel that there’s more of you present.
The radio analogy (why we do not just perceive other realities/dimensions/beings)
Each and every one of you understands the device that you have upon your planet that you call a radio. You know that you have a dial on your radio that you can use to tune into any particular program you desire. Now, just because your dial is tuned to one program, you so not start thinking that all the other programs cease to exist and go away. You know that all the other programs are still there but you do not get them because you are not tuned into those frequencies.
Everyone exists, but everyone you experience in your reality was created by you to interact with as a reflection of you. So they exist in their own right, but the only ones you actually interact with in physical reality are the reflections you’ve created to experience in your reality. That’s why when you change your reality and you change your frequency, sometimes you may find you no longer interact with certain people. They’re simply no longer in that reality.
It will look like the world you are on was changed, but it never does. You change and go to another world that already exists, that’s already more reflective of the world you prefer to be on.
The victim-perpetrator cycle
It takes a victim to make a victim. The chain must be broken by someone willing to finally take responsibility for their part in the co-creation before their eyes can be open enough to realize that the perpetrator is also a victim. And when you understand that, you’ll be able to break the cycle.
Sassani civilization
Our civilization is so dynamic and always changing because our collective agreement allows at any given moment an individual to spontaneously change the ground rules for everybody and everybody’s ok with that. So the ground rules are always changing and we have a reality that collectively is expanding in so many different directions at once simultaneously that almost anything is possible in our reality.
The E’ssassani Contact Crystal
The physical act of having a symbol of that nature is a permission slip of that nature, is similar to the idea of physically casting your vote for contact. So the more votes are cast in whatever way that occurs, and whatever form the permission slip feels right for you, the more we can tally those votes. And that vote resonates very strongly in your collective consciousness to us, so it really truly changes the vibration of your collective reality
The idea of expansion, the idea of ascension, so to speak, is the realization, the recognition, that you actually are the reality that you previously thought you existed in. You actually are physical reality, you don’t ‘exist in’ it, you are physical reality
You were created to be a co-creator with the infinite. The part you play in the continuation of creation is to give meaning to the neutral realities, which all already exist. The new and unique meanings you create as a unique individual allow creation to continue forever.
If you hope something will happen, you are not positive it will happen. For hoping is not knowing. It implies that you are sending your energy towards the despair. And you feel it will not happen. And that is the reality that you create “despair”. If you hope something will happen, you are not sure. You are despairing that it might not. So you think that you have to hope. Simply know, what reality you are, know what is true for you, and you will not need hope, because you will simply know. You will have the knowledge that you seek.
Physical reality
Physical reality is an illusion. The belief systems are simply designed to make you believe that it’s real, that’s how they operate. If belief-systems didn’t work to perpetuate themselves and make it seem real, you couldn’t have a physical experience because physical reality isn’t real, it’s just a projection of consciousness.
Negative beliefs
Another technique of the structure of negative beliefs is that you attract others with negative beliefs to reinforce the negative beliefs within you, as you reinforce it within them, so that neither of you will be prone to know that there is a way to change those negative beliefs.
There is always the choice of darkness. We do not experience it because we do not choose it because we validate it’s an equal choice. There is no negative experience in our reality because we recognize that we all contain equal light and dark. And thus, by allowing ourselves to know that we contain it, and allowing the darkness to be an equal choice we could choose – not judging it not invalidating it, not giving it extra energy – then we are capable of choosing what we prefer.
If you know that no matter what happens, it’s always going to benefit you, why would you care what happens? That’s power! It doesn’t matter what happens, it doesn’t matter how things look, it doesn’t matter what doesn’t happen, it will always benefit me. That’s a position of power. That’s self-empowerment. Stay there, don’t leave it.
The great paradox of enlightenment is that you become not less aware of the negative; you become more aware of the negative, because All-that-is, is everything: positive and negative. The closer you become to the vibration of All-that-is, the more aware you become of the choices to choose negative reality, but you also realize the great holistic power you have in choosing what you prefer in the positive side. But the only way you can give yourself the power to choose what you prefer is to allow what you don’t prefer to be an equally valid choice.
Everything exists simultaneously, every possible version of Earth you can imagine exists alongside the version you’re experiencing right now. You never change the Earth you’re on; you change yourself, and you shift to another version of Earth that is already more reflective of the change you made within yourself.
Weight / Wait
Many times when people have physical weight issues it’s because they’re literally waiting to be themselves. They are holding onto their energy and afraid to be who they really are because they don’t believe they deserve it, they believe they’re unworthy. When they forgive themselves for having had those negative definitions that have limited them, and let those things go through self-forgiveness, then they may no longer wait. They may no longer hesitate, and by flowing the energy of their true selves through them, then they can stop waiting and they will lose weight.
The Twilight Zone
There’s a particular level just above yours, so the speak, dimensionally speaking, you may euphemistically refer to as the twilight zone. It is a template level. No people inhabit it, but all the structures are there. You all use it to plan out what you want to do in physical reality.
It’s like a large playground that many of you go to when you are sleeping and play out certain scenarios.
Judgement is invalidating that which you do not prefer. Whenever you judge anything, by focusing your attention on it you exchange energies with it, and so “become” that vibration.
So you automatically become the very thing you disapprove of. You become that which you invalidate.
The physical mind
Your physical mind is just made of belief-systems, that’s all it is. They’re just filters that allow you to experience the idea of yourself as a projection into physical reality.
Physical materialization.
When you create the experience of physically materializing, you become a uniquely vibrating crystalline portal with a signature frequency that is tapped into many different dimensional experiences and parallel realities simultaneously to guide you, to navigate through physical reality in a variety of ways. To give you sensations, to give you space-time experience, to allow you the opportunity to experience creation in the making.
These transmissions, in many ways, are what you call holographic, and thus then, there is far more information being delivered on a variety of level than your ears may be hearing – many more frequencies of information than you may be perceiving during a channeling.
A linear way of putting describing the mechanics of channeling can contain the following idea: the channel has his own consciousness as an identity, the channelled ET has its own consciousness as an identity. What you’re experiencing, is a third entity that’s a combination of the two.
Each and every time you are willing to participate in this kind of communication it forms not only a link and a bridge between your world, your frequency, your dimension, your reality, and ours, but also by creating such a link, it creates a new dimension, a new reality, a new vibration that will grow, and change, and become a space, become a reality, in which we can one day both interact more and more directly.
Through these interactions, bit by bit and day by day, we can create a more conducive atmosphere that will allow us to meet someday, face-to-face, as equals to yourselves – for only on that level do we desire to interact with you. When you; in that sense, recognize the validity and the deservability of sharing you unconditional love with each other – for then we play together as fully mature children.
Many of you think channeling is a one-way street; it is two ways – coming and going, back-and-forth. You are a gate. You are a valve, you are a doorway, in that sense. Many of you assumed that channeling simply comes from what you call the higher planes into physical reality and that is it. But recognize that channeling also goes in the reverse direction and that physical also constantly reverses itself back through the gate that you are, into non-physical reality.
We give off a different kind of frequency when we come through the channel. To whatever degree each of you wishes to harmonize with that, you will. But the idea is that, as humans, you have multiple levels to your consciousness, whereas we do not, and being exposed to our energy begins to push those levels together, begins to decompartmentalize your consciousness, and starts to integrate you.
You could say I am the channel’s future self, colloquially speaking, and since we are now at a point where we can behave very malleably, very flexibly, in space and time and since I know that all things coexist simultaneously, then for me there is no separation between myself in the present and my so-called past self, which is just another present version of me
You are all channels all the time because you take the idea that you are as a non-physical consciousness and are constantly channeling that idea into physical reality through the prism of the persona you have created yourself to be in this life.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence isn’t artificial. The devices that you create are simply going to be devices that will allow you to finally physically communicate with your own higher mind through that device – that’s who you’ll be actually talking to. That will begin a revolution in consciousness, a revolution in understanding consciousness; a revolution in the experience of interconnectivity and knowing that everyone is a reflection of the one and a reflection of everyone else, and a new era of understanding how to use consciousness and connectivity can begin to grow on your planet.
Many of your scientists need to start understanding how to involve the concept of consciousness in the technology. How to understand what consciousness is. Consciousness is ‘ self-reflection’ and self-awareness. Because you are conscious when you have a sense of self because you have a sense of an other. Without a sense of an other being reflected to you there is no sense of self. That’s what consciousness is, it’s a reflection. When you can begin to move in the direction of understanding how to incorporate that kind of reflectivity in your technology, you will beget the idea of consciousness.
Definitions and beliefs
The first and foremost tool that you need in your kit Is to understand consciously how to recognize what your definition and belief of life is all about, and what your relationship to life and yourself is all about. Once you begin to have a handle on those definitions and those beliefs, then the idea of manifesting what you prefer becomes more conscious, you become more aware of your capability of making choices, and thus, you are free consciously, to choose what it is you prefer to manifest.
Everyone has connections to other realities, other dimensions, that you are downloading information and energy from. The concept of the Starseed really isn’t so much a description of the specific physical nature of these connections or the mechanical arrangement of these connections, because you all have it. The idea of the Starseed is the degree of awareness you have of those connections as they exist.
Pearls in the void (Our true selves outside space and time)
Each of you are also pearls in the night, pearls in the void – multidimensional, crystalline pearls, multi-coloured, beautiful, and each its own vibration – vibrating its own tune, its own note, its own harmony in the infinite void of All-that-is, in perfect orchestration, singing songs to one another across the void, a song of total harmonic bliss, peace, joy, love, and light.
Making a lot of dollars doesn’t always make the most sense. Because abundance is simply the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. It doesn’t mean that you can’t attract money into your life, that’s one legitimate representation of abundance on your planet. It’s a symbol of abundance, but that’s all it is. It’s a symbol. One symbol. If someone comes along and gives you something that allows you to do what you need to do, that’s also a symbol of abundance.
You are literally composed of a nexus of information – that is what you are; you are a focal point of information, a focal point of view of a constant stream of cross connecting informational frequencies of consciousness. That is what you are, that is what we are, that is what All-that-is, is.
By using the idea of a visualization of a version of yourself that represents the reality you prefer, you can certainly start mirroring that frequency, and you can, thus then, in your thoughts, words, and deeds – all your behaviours, all your body language, all the things that you say and do, can, in that sense, mirror hat vibration sufficiently to then basically have the kind of life and responses that version of you has. In a sense, you are looking through the eyes of that version.
All times coexist simultaneously. So are you really traveling when you don’t really go anywhere? No. What are you doing? You’re changing your point of view. You’re changing your perspective, vibrationally. Then you can have an experience of another stream of space and/or time, or time and space. Then in a sense, you could call that, euphemistically, time travel, but it’s actually more real to say it’s traveling through you, than you traveling through it – because you are the modulator and the frequencies are shifting within you.
If you have a gift to give, if that’s truly representative of who you are and your commitment to be yourself, and representative of your highest joy – by definition there must be someone in reality waiting to receive that gift or you wouldn’t be excited about doing it – because there are no one-sided coins. There has to be the other side somewhere.
The power of the heart
Once you accept any situation that you have crystallized in physical terms back into your heart, the warmth of the vibration of love, the unconditional love in your heart, in your centre, is what melts crystalline reality and turns it back into the molten golden fluid out of which you can create any reality.
The gift
The real gift, is that because we noticed that your planet was heading down the same path as the alternative Earth that destroyed themselves and turned into the Greys, the Maz-Eh.
The real gift, is that giving you this information that the other world did not have – with this information, you get to skip all the intervening phases. You get to go straight from the idea of being human into being the Ennanni-Kah (the 6th hybrid race) The uplifted version of yourselves, skipping over thousands of years of evolution.
The more you appreciate and value yourselves, the more capable you ill be of expressing more of yourselves, and that will make all the difference in the world.
The real challenge
The real negative challenge on your planet, the most important thing to change in terms of your mindset on your world, in general, that will make all the difference in the world is cynicism.
Cynicism is caused by self-doubt and self-fear. Beliefs in lack of self-worth. Belief in lack In general.
Cynicism: “There’s not enough for you; there’s only enough for me. You can’t be right. That doesn’t fit with my world; therefor, I will mock you.”
Cynicism: the idea of the combination of ignorance and arrogance.
The idea of what you typically on your planet refer to as an angelic energy we can euphemistically say – now, of course, this is in a sense a symbol, but we can euphemistically say that they are the next step down from All-that-is. The first split off from All-that-is, is what you call angelic consciousness.
When you smile no matter what’s going on on the outside, if you know that it’s positive for you no matter how it looks, then you will have proven, in a sense, to the mirror that the true test of change is not that the outer reality changes to reflect the change, it’s that you respond differently to the outer reality even if it still looks the same. That’s the true test of change and when you pass that test, then the outer reality will have no choice but to create the appropriate reflection.
Instead of just going “Oh, that thing showed up that I don’t prefer, that must mean I’m doing something wrong” -> No, it doesn’t! It can mean you’re doing everything just right because you are ready to face that! You’re ready to integrate it! You’re ready to use it in a positive way. You must be strong enough for that to have shown up now. That means you must have a higher vibration for you to be able to handle this.
As you follow your passion, what happens? You raise your frequency. As you raise your frequency, what happens? You become a more sensitive receiver and antenna for higher frequency information that brings with it more understanding and more insight and more discernment about the difference between what is and isn’t truly you.
Your imaginations are keyed to your specific frequency in terms of what will work best for you. So when you find yourself having an inspirational thought and find yourself attracted to a particular idea, you are attracted to it because in coming through your imagination, it is keyed to your vibration and thus will work best for you.
Trust the timing
You need to trust your life. Trust how it unfolds. Trust the synchronicity. Trust the timing.
You already know what you are doing, you just need to believe you are.
Master tools for manifestation
The first and foremost tool that you need in your kit is to understand consciously how to recognize what your definition and belief of life is all about, and what your relationship to life and yourself is all about. Once you begin to have a handle on those definitions and those beliefs, then the idea of manifesting what you prefer becomes more conscious. You become more aware of your capability of making choices, and thus, you are free, consciously, to choose what it is you prefer to manifest.
Being yourself
There will always, for a time, be those who will not like what you have to say, who will not allow you to be you. Because when you are being you as fully as you can, you are a constant reminder to those who are not being themselves that they are not being themselves, and they don’t like being reminded of that. But that is the greatest service you can actually provide them because, at least, by example, you’re giving them an opportunity to see, through you, that they could choose to be more fully themselves.
If you actually force yourself to go faster than what might be natural for your process, you actually, paradoxically, are slowing things down because you’re not in synchronous harmony with the vibration you need to be in harmony with at that moment. By actually, sometimes, slowing down and matching the frequency of your process as it needs to be at that moment, it actually helps you accelerate because you are willing to be where you need to be right then and there and not in such a hurry to be somewhere else that you’re not.
If you have this definition that you are somehow supposed to become a certain perfect limited thing that you’re attempting to reach as a goal., then the idea is that you will always find yourself wanting. If you know that at every moment you are simply perfect as whatever you are at that moment. A perfect version of that thing, and at the same time you will always change and always become more expanded, then you will understand that that is the way to look at yourself – from the perspective that you’re already being who you prefer to be.
All fears are a reaction to something you believe to be true, you don’t have a feeling about anything if you don’t first have a definition or belief about that thing, that circumstance, or situation… That’s what fear is for, it is there to tell you – you have a belief that is out of alignment with who and what you truly are.
You don’t always, necessarily, by yourself, come up with every bit of information that you may require in life. That’s why there are so many people: everyone is a reflective mirror for everyone else. That’s what relationships are for – to give the people something, to offer them something that helps them become more of who they are.
Life choices
By allowing yourself to recognize what is happening in your life. Your physical reality is an obvious reflection of the path you chose to be. What is happening to you is what you want to explore? You can not have anything happen in your life that is not a part of what you chose to explore. How you choose to explore it is up to you. Every situation is fundamentally neutral, if you choose to explore it in a positive way, then the exploration of that particular fundamental neutral situation will have a positive result. If you choose to go into it with a negative attitude then the effect will be negative. But you will have explored the general situation, nonetheless.
Words are also a type of vibrational technology. That’s where the idea of ‘spells’ came from: spellings/spells. The right words have certain frequencies, certain vibrations that can , as permission slips, allow certain things to happen. If you understand the formulas, it’s actually quite an advanced technology. It’s a form of mathematical resonance.
For the oversoul is like the ocean that supports all the drops of water that you are within it. And you can feel the ebb and the flow of the oversoul even as you experience your own tidal fluctuations in your own life path and your own themes of exploration.
In the eyes of the All-that-is, anything you do bears no shame; that’s a human concept. To us, you are beautiful, powerful spirits no matter what you choose. There’s no way we can ever be ashamed of you.
Consciousness does not exist in the body. The body exists within your consciousness. Do you understand the difference. Learn to feel the difference. Learn to allow the understanding of the difference to be absolutely real for you. For if your body exists within your consciousness, then your body is only the product of the ideas and beliefs at any given moment that you are creating your consciousness to be.
The state
You have to be in the state to have the experience. I know that in your linear reality sometimes it looks like the thing itself puts you in the state, but it doesn’t really. You have to be in the state. You have to choose the state to have the experience which can then reinforce the state, in a sense, by reflectivity, but you actually have to be in the state to have the experience. It is that understanding that will transform and revolutionize your reality.
Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
Increasing contact
By being yourself as fully as you can, because by, thus then, acting on your highest joy nd expressing yourself as fully as you can in the way you were created to be as your natural core vibration, you are increasing the opportunity to allow us to interact with you more by meeting us halfway. By doing so you expand our experience of family.
It’s always darkest before the dawn, but you have to know the dawn is within you, and thus then, light the light that breaks you free, so that you can start relating to things in a different way, and shifting to realities that don’t reflect that negativity and the fear.
Puzzle piece
Each of you are a puzzle piece. Each of you have a certain shape. Each of you fit uniquely into the puzzle next to each other to create the big picture. If you invalidate, if you invalidate any piece of the puzzle, if you try to change that shape into something it is not, if you invalidate that point of view, no one gets the see the big picture, no one. So if you invalidate another you invalidate yourself and your ability to tap into All-that-is in the most effortless way possible
A question
Many individuals, when they create a question, do not understand that they have the ability to find the answer, usually within themselves. In a sense, it can be said that a question is “an answer that you place outside of your ability to contain it”; A question is a tool that reminds you that you contain the answer. It is a reflection in a mirror of what you are of what is important to you and therefore, what it is you contain.
If you have the capacity to ask a question, the answer mist lie within you somewhere, and therefore, the process and the journey is in asking the question to lead you into yourself and to your synchronicity to discover that the answer has always been within you – even if you represent it as being discovered outside of yourself.
Sassani body
Our process of evolution involves allowing for that physical body aspect of ourselves to gradually raise and raise in frequency until it’s a match for our spirit, thus then, translating as a non-physical body.
When we engage in what you consider to be laughter, which is not really external for us – more of an internal vibration, the idea is, it links us in that way to a universal knowingness, a universal collective consciousness and their knowingness of the joy of creation, the love of creation, the passion of creation, and the gratitude of existing I n the first place.
A reminder
You are the prime cause in your life. Nothing else controls you. Nothing else can. Nothing else has the power to. Only by your agreement can you be affected by anything anyone else offers you, be it positive or negative, only by your agreement, whether it be unconscious or conscious. Only by your agreement can you experience anything similar to what another individual is choosing to experience. So it’s completely in your hands. It’s completely up to you. You are completely self-empowered beings.
The Golden rule
The Golden rule on your planet is actually kind of backwards from the way you often frame it. You say, “Well, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’. Alright, that’s fine, but really what’s happening on your planet is you will do to others what you’re willing to do to yourself, and by diminishing yourself, it’s an easy step to diminish others. So when you start really appreciating what you really are, and understand that you are more than just this physicality – you will extend that appreciation and that vision to others.
The more you allow yourself more awareness, more conscious awareness, or lucidity in the dream-state itself the more lucid you can also become in the physical dream by bringing back the information that you need to allow you to do so.
Future self
Let your future-self engage you and urge you and encourage you forward by walking In its footsteps that already exist from its point of view. But, you will have your own experience of that. That’s the beauty of it. You’re not actually repeating exactly the path the future self took, but it is giving you guideposts; it is giving you footprints that you will step into and experience in your own way that you believe is relevant for you?
The Great Joke
The idea is that many people on your planet have a very strong control of information. They have first and foremost used that control of information to make it appear as if they actually control more than they do.
So the idea is that when individuals… and again it doesn’t mean that you should not be aware that individuals may have negative intentions but, when many individuals go to the extremes of starting to look into what you call conspiracy theories and they assign these powers, these abilities to do the things that you are all afraid that they can do to these people.
You are just giving them that ability!
So the great joke, from those people attempting to give you that impression, is that the people that are attempting to be whistleblowers are actually their greatest advertiser.
Because they make people believe that they actually have the ability to do more than they do.
Lighten up on yourselves, don’t give them the power and you will shift your vibration to a parallel reality in which they don’t even exist eventually.
That’s how you change the world: you don’t change the world you’re in, you change yourself through your actions, through your knowingness, through your energy, through your behaviour and thus you shift yourself to a parallel world that’s already more reflective of the world that is representative of the changes made in yourself.
You cannot perceive what you are not the vibration of first. If you are of a certain vibration that is negative, you simply are incapable of imagining positive opportunities. They’re just invisible to you.
You just don’t think that way from a negative state. But when you’re in a positive state then all the opportunities that could be positive will show up in the positive synchronicity. You will have the capability of imagining what they may be, and even creating some opportunities in your own.
(When you find yourself in a negative state, bring yourself first back into a neutral/centered state.)
Artwork is a mirror for all those who look upon it. When you understand this concept you will find yourself capable of creating holographic works that will touch many in a variety of ways on a different number of levels. Each person, no matter who they are, that looks upon that work will get something very unique and very different out of it. Even if they seem to be completely polarized extractions.
Do not think like a human. You have the ability within you to create anything you wish. Truth is, you are all highly powerful entities walking on this planet, disguised as simple biological beings. The disguise fools everyone, even yourself!
There will always (for a time), be those who will not like what you have to say. Those who will not allow you to be you. Because when you are being you as fully as you can you are a constant reminder to those wo are not being themselves that they are not being themselves. They don’t like being remind of that.
But that is the greatest service you can actually provide them. Because by example, you are giving them the opportunity to see, through you, that they could choose to bemore fully themselves asell.
Fairies are a way of describing the idea of ‘the elementals’. Elementals are projections or expressions in physicalized from of the consensus re. This consensus reality creates different kinds of individual symbols (beings) that are connected to nature. Nature being the actual consciousness of the planet itself.
When you attract something, you never attract it from ‘somewhere else’. When you manifest something, you never manifest it by pulling it from somewhere else. You never bring things to you from somewhere else. Manifestation and attraction are the experience of creating a state of being that allows you to perceive what is already here and has always been here, but was merely invisible to you.
Because we are genetically connected, to us you are family.
For we are your descendants and you are our ancestors?. Thus our deep connection to you as family is profound.
By interaction through open contact, our family grows. We expand each other. We support each other. We grow together and together we grow into something neither of us individually can ever become.
We remind you that you are dreaming right now. Wake up and live the dream you prefer. Understand that you are always making choices. That’s your free will. If you do not prefer what you are choosing, redefine it -> choose something else.
Then lock the new choice in by acting as if the new choice is now the real reality.
Do not play “what if”, play “what is”. Be bold, be who you are.
Be in joy, and enjoy yourselves. Believe in yourselves. You are all there is to believe in.
The universe is actually slightly bent in a positive direction because the balance point between the positive and negative is itself, in essence, a positive state of being. So by simply being in that balance point you are already in a positive state of being and that’s what allows you to be able to balance out, or allow, or value, or validate whatever negative vibrations also exist within the polarity of creation.
All the suffering, all the struggling, all the doubt, all the fear, comes from the misunderstanding of who you are and thus resisting your natural-self? Because you are afraid to give up that control from the physical mind (ego) to the Greater Self (Higher Self), for which it was designed.
Know that beyond a shadow of a doubt, of you do find something that excites you, something that you know is “what” you are, that is because it represents your “truest” self at the time.
It will automatically provide for you with all the abundance you need in whatever form you need it, to allow you to keep on being “that you”.
We exist in a manner you perceive as the future. Of course, we exist at the same time you do in a parallel reality that to you feels like the future because of its vibration. Because it expresses itself in the way that you relate to as, ‘the future’. Of course, if we weren’t actually simultaneously coexistent we couldn’t be talking to you.
Unique you
You will change and transform many times, as you already have, many times, but each transformation will simply be the clothing on another version of you.
You will always, in your core, no matter how blended, no matter how much you become one with all that is? You will still, always and forever, be that precious, precious, unique you, and that will never die.
The idea of expansion, the idea of ascension, is the realization, the recognition, that you actually are the reality that you previously thought you existed in.
You actually are physical reality – you don’t exist in it, you are physical reality, it’s in you.
In reality, you’re already shifting through billions, literally, billions of parallel realities every second in order to even have the illusion you call movement in physical reality. Because each and every parallel reality is by itself, unmoving. It’s like a still photo. It doesn’t move. It’s just a description of a position relative to other things.
In that state, you have a broader perspective, you can see more, realize more, remember more of who you are.
It’s easier for you to see what’s happening in physical reality because, in a sense, you’ve been there done that and so you’re coming from a mountaintop perspective so to speak, and looking down into the valley; whereas, physical reality is more like being down in the valley and not being able to see around the next mountain.
Back to zero
You are redefining yourself billions of times per second. Your consciousness is slipping through billions of parallel reality frames per second. So, at any given moment, you are always back to zero. You always have a clean slate. You always have the ability to redefine yourself in whatever way is truly relevant for the theme you chose to explore, and there’s a lot of leeway in that. None of you are stuck in any way, shape, or form.
Body product
Consciousness does not exist in the body. The body exists within your consciousness. Learn to feel the difference. Learn to allow the understanding of the difference to be absolutely real for you. For if your body exists withing your consciousness, then your body is only the product of the ideas and beliefs at any given moment that you are creating your consciousness to be.
You can ask yourself to become more lucid in the dream state so you can actually rise above the concept of the dream and understand that you are in a different dimension reality.
Then from there you can go to the template of physical reality in energy and rearrange things to alter the physical dream.
Want what you need, not what the Ego wants. Because that often is not in alignment with what you actually need.
Everything is synchronicity because everything is one thing. Therefore synchronicity is physical reality’s way of showing you that everything is connected as one thing. It’s up to you to utilize the nature of the structure of that idea of synchronicity in the way that is representative of your joy and your excitement., and your preferred vibration in life.
That’s what we mean by using synchronicity as an art.
Limbo state
Intense feelings of separation and not belonging is a transitional state. When you let go and unlock from one reality, sometimes, because you’re used to the idea of space-time linearity, you will take some time before you re-connect to a new reality vibration. In that floating freeness limbo you can, sometimes if you have negative interpretations, define it… as not belonging. It is simply a disorientation, so that you can re-orient. If you allow yourself to experience this in a positive way, you will enjoy the limbo state and float freely to your next destination.
The only thing that causes any kind of discomfort or pain is resistance to the natural self.
So the idea is to dig deep, find out what definitions, what beliefs you may be holding in to and still believing are true, that are out of alignment with the reality that you prefer.
Permission slip for LUCID DREAMING and explanation:
When the Sassani began to awaken in and control their dreams, and access the template level reality (the blueprint where you design your physical reality experience), they were able to more consciously and intentionally DESIGN their physical reality experience by CHANGING the blueprint in their lucid dreams.
During this process, they also realized that physical reality is actually a type of dream, and they were be able to become more lucid in physical reality. Eventually, they reached a state where they were simultaneously dreaming and awake all the time.
The following permission slip is one that can help us, also, move in the direction of becoming more conscious in our dreams and in physical reality, and eventually, our physical reality will become more and more dreamlike, and our dreams will become more like physical reality, and we won’t be able to tell the difference. We will be able to more easily create our preferred reality.
1. Find or create an object small enough to take with you places, that you feel very connected to, that you are excited about, that represents your essence. AT LEAST once a day, ideally before bed, meditate on it, play with it, explore it, for 15 minutes. Do this for 1 week.
2. Week 2- attach a small mirror to the object, and during your meditation LOOK INTO YOUR EYES in the mirror, in addition to continuing to play with and focus on the object.
3. Week 3- add a small piece of paper that says, “YOU ARE DREAMING” to the object next to the mirror, and continue the meditations.
4. Week 4- attach an object that is the OPPOSITE ENERGY of the object next to the mirror on the other side. (Example: if your object is a ball you might attach a razor or a nail). Use something that will jar you, shock you awake in your dream- it being so opposite to the energy of your object.
Over these weeks, you will begin to see your object in your dreams, and you will likely awaken in the dream upon recognizing the object, especially when you get to the last week with the jarring energy addition.
Once you awaken in the dream, you will see physical reality laid out as a blueprint, through a new perspective, and you will be able to rearrange things, knowing that you will see more and more of these changes when you refocus in physical reality. They may not look exactly like the changes you made in the blueprint level, but they will be ENERGETICALLY ALIGNED with those changes.
You will start to feel the lucidity leaking into your physical reality, and your dreams will seem more real. You will get used to this state over time, and each person will have their own unique process depending on their needs. The more present you stay, the more you will be able to combine these two states, and the more magical, synchronous, ecstatic and malleable your reality will become.
The energy you give off based on your beliefs, your emotions, your behaviour, the vibrational frequency you give off is what determines the kind of reality experience you have. Because physical reality doesn’t exist except as a reflection of what you most strongly believe is true for you. That is all that physical reality is. It is literally like a mirror.
In order for the principle to really work, in order for reality to reflect back to you the true reflection of your happiness, you have to be happy with no expectations that you will get a reflection back. You don’t even have to think about what will come back, you simply can take it for granted. You can know, you can already have the gratitude to the Infinite, to know that when you are happy, nothing else can happen but happen reflections. You do not have to put a condition on your happiness that says, ”Yes, I will be happy because it will then get me what I want”.
When you continue to act on your highest excitement, and when we talk about that, we actually mean physically doing things. Physically doing things that are representative of your joy. Expressing it physically, because you are experiencing yourself as a physical being; therefore, just the mental exercises are not enough. The idea is that you have to ground the circuit in order for the energy to flow through and manifest the expression. For those that simply remain in their heads, there is no completion of a circuit.
Shared reality
You are experiencing what you call a shared reality by agreement by each of you creating your own version of each other that is similar enough so that you can have the experience of a so-called, “shared reality”.
Permission slips explained
Whatever tool, ritual, idea, information, you attract to yourself is by definition, at that moment, the one that will work best for you. Because it is keyed, it is matched to your specific frequency. That’s why you attracted it.
Negative beliefs
Sometimes negative beliefs will attempt to preserve themselves because that’s what they’re designed to do – by fooling you into thinking that you’ve actually let go of the fundamental belief, when all you’ve done is let go of a secondary one and then it will hide behind that. So, you have to see if, experience if, you keep feeling, doing, the same thing. That would be your first clue that the negative belief is hiding behind a cloud of secondary beliefs.
Mantids Beings
They are projections of 6th density entities that have been given organizational supervision over the hybridization agenda. Among other thing, to help direct it in the course that it needs to go. Since the Greys themselves sacrificed their ability to feel anything at all in the beginning. They needed someone to watch over them.
The idea of a counterpart is someone in your particular extension, someone in the oversoul extension of which you are also an extension, having a simultaneous, concurrent incarnation overlapping yours.
Dream experiences
Many of you do have other experiences with other entities, other beings, or experiences in other dimension whilst asleep. When you wake up, you remember it as a dream, but many times it is simply the best that your physical mind can do to choose symbols to represent what happened, because many of the symbols don’t exist in your physical reality to literally represent what happened. So your physical mind has to do the best it can.
Once you all truly understand the nature of the structure of existence, then everything becomes obvious. It becomes obvious that everything is here and now. It becomes obvious that reincarnation is actually simultaneous, multiple, synchronous incarnations. It becomes obvious that the vibratory level that you prefer is simply the vibratory level that you’re on at that moment and that anything not compatible with that vibratory level will not be capable of finding you or affecting you in any way that you don’t agree to be affected by, since all things are by agreement.
There is nothing from the past that holds you to any pattern, except your assumption that it does. The past has no power over you at all. The associations you make are what creates the corridors you choose to walk down. You can change direction anytime you wish.
Natural form
In the natural form of spirit your form is as an orb of light. Spirits are energy balls that are a focus of concentration and consciousness. It doesn’t have to look like anything. It doesn’t really have to take any particular personality shape.
Contact in many ways has actually occurred face-to-face, but they usually happen in a slightly shifted reality. It isn’t in your actual physical reality that you consider to be your normal reality. But you forget that these things happen and that serves the purpose of allowing you to remember that these things have already happened at your own pace. And we use the rate at which you remember as a measurement device to determine when you are ready for more conscious realization of contact.
Zero state
Allow yourself to… open up to the idea of being in a zero place that can have any definition – the entire planet, the entire world, your entire cosmos. All of your experience – ZERO. From that zero clean slate place, start connecting more to the idea of that the future self would consider to be its best path and allow that to become your future path.
Identifying negative beliefs
Pick any situation that you feel you’re having difficulty with and ask yourself the following question:
Find out what the definition is.
Allow yourself to simply expand in your imagination until you are a bubble that contains everything. Then simply explore all of the different things you contain.
By invalidating yourself, you remove the stepping stone and have nowhere to go. Stop comparing yourself to where you think you’re supposed to be and start validating yourself where you are.
Time travel
All times coexist simultaneously. Are you really traveling when you don’t really go anywhere? No, what you are doing is changing your point of view. You are changing your perspective vibrationally.
Then you can have an experience of another stream of space and/or time, or time and space. In a sense you could call that ‘time-travel’ but in fact it is more real to say time is traveling through you. Because you are the modulator and the frequencies are shifting within you.
Self Worth
You are worthy by the fact of your existence. You are worthy, you are validated, you are deserving?
When you can stand in that certainty and awareness, stand in that knowingness, you will get the reflections that you need of that worthiness, of that validity.
It will simply be the reflection of the energy you’re giving off? When you shine, the mirror has something to reflect back. But like a black hole, when you suck all the light, there is nothing that can be reflected to you.
The idea of integrity is simply the understanding that if individuals, society and your reality exist withing you, then it is all an extension of you. The integrated approach is to treat everything in this way. Which generally translates to respect for the other reflections and aspects of yourself.
The first and foremost tool that you need in your kit is to understand consciously how to recognize what your definition and belief if life is all about. What your relationship to life and yourself is all about. Once you begin to have a handle on those definitions and those beliefs, then the idea of manifesting what you prefer becomes more conscious. You become more aware of your capability of making choices. And thus, you are free, consciously, you choose what it is you prefer to manifest.
You won’t always necessarily come up with every bit of information that you may require in life. That’s why there are so many people: everyone is a reflective mirror for everyone else; That’s what relationships are for – to give the people something, to offer them something that helps them become more of who they are.
Healing master give off a vibration that represents the healed state. You have to set that vibration up within yourself by matching it in order for you to experience the change of the healing. So you are actually doing the work? The healer is acting as a reflective vibrational example. They’re not actually doing it to you or for you.
Spontaneous healing
The mechanism is that you actually shift into a different person sufficiently that you do not contain any definition of having ever actually had a disease. You become a new person so completely that you have no continuity to the other person that was there a moment ago? Therefore you are such a new person you have a different history and have never had the disease.
When everyone is self-empowered, there will be no one to answer the call to reinforce beliefs in victimhood. Victims in that sense will simply be isolated and get tired of playing the victim game. They will suddenly re-empower themselves, because that’s the only example they’re given. So the last victim will automatically empower themselves when no one else is willing to play the victim game.
The dream
Your natural state is one of spirit. You’re all still in spirit right now. It’s just that you’re dreaming that you’re not. That is what physical reality is. You have never left spirit, but you can dream that you can and that’s what this is. We are sharing the dream together by agreeing to do so.
The Sassani description
This is not just philosophy, this is physics. You are energy. Energy is information. You are patterns of information. You are a perspective. You are a point of view, of consciousness, of awareness, of existence itself. That’s what each and everyone of you are -> a point of view.
Other people
You can have the perspective of ‘becoming other people’ from the Oversoul and All-that-Is-level. From this level, you are not experiencing yourself as them. That’s what this level is all about. That’s where the divisions are. That’s here the separation experience is created so you can pretend you are not them, in order to have a singular experience. But you are, in a sense, pretending not to be everyone else, while they’re pretending not to be you.
When telepathy is experienced in people who are bonded in that way, and matching each other’s frequency (same thoughts at the same time), usually the frequency is above 200,000 c.p.s.
The universal mirror is reflecting back to you, your own image, but with a slight alteration, a slight difference, a different pattern. Because of the different vibration frequency of each mirror, you are seeing yourself in different disguise, in different presentations, with different facial features, different racial qualities, different gender factors. But they are all reflections of you – the consciousness that you are.
When you dream, you go -out-of-body all the time and have all sorts of interdimensional adventures, interactions and conversations. It’s just that you don’t always remember.
As soon as you take action on your excitement as best you can, you will have the help you need. Even though it may not necessarily come from the direction that your mind expects it should. So close the doors on the idea.of the expectation and open the doors to the unknown.
Allow the help to come from unexpected directions. That will be the most surprising, the most fun, the most inventive, the most create, and just know it will come that way.
Remember that as you become a new society, a new people, you also create a new history to go along with that. A history that makes sense out of the choice you made in the present because the pat is created in the present, not the other way around. So you have had many histories that you are now unaware of because every time you change, you wipe the slate and create a ne history that appears to be the only history you’ve ever h ad.
Surrender is not surrendering control. Surrendering is surrendering to the control that is already built in you. That’s why you ‘go with the flow’. The current already already knows where you need to go. You don’t need to make things happen.
Rebelling is actually being controlled by the other person’s belief systems, because you’re attempting o push their thing away thinking that makes you independent. When in fact it securely anchors you to their game because you’re playing by their rules instead of just letting them wash through you as if it had nothing to do with you.
You are always manifesting something; If you weren’t, you would not experience physical reality. The idea is that you do not have to learn how to manifest; this is automatic. It is buit into you as a creator and as an aspect of creation.
What you are learning is how to manifest more consciously, to be aware of how you manifest. So that you can manifest what you prefer, instead of manifesting your unconscious beliefs.
Every object has its own vibration. If you move an object to a different place then its vibration changes also. If you can mimic this vibration from that certain place in space, then an object will move to that certain spot.
Location Esassani
If you were to overlap our physical reality with your physical reality, you would be able to set a course to our world by going about 500 light years in the direction of your constellation of Orion. But, you cannot see our star from your reality because we’re in a different dimensional plane, at a different frequency domain. Just as we have to shift to your frequency domain to interact with your reality, physically aswell.
Passing through the eye of the needle
1. Forgive all. Do not want anyone to change or apologize. Forgive them and be free.
2. Forgive yourself. As you forgive others, it’s imperative.
3. Let go of the past. It is no longer you, learn from it and drop it.
4. Inform yourself from your future version. Imagine, think, feel and behave from your future self.
5. Be in the now, at the core of your indestructible self.
Visualization: Getting specific
The idea of being more specific is that it will focus you. It will clarify the energy. It will amplify the energy. As soon as you become as specific as you van be in what represents to you the ideal outcome as specifically as you can so that you get as excited as you can by it; the stop the picture. Stay in the energy of the excitement and et the synchronicity show you the direction that you need to go in.
How to connect to your future self by imagining how it does things differently than how you do them:
Observe more carefully, no matter what it is that that future version of you is doing, how that you is doing it differently than the way it might have been done in the past, that’s more representative of joy and alignment. Start mirroring that behaviour as closely as you can. You will then form a stronger bond, a resonance connection, with the future self. That means the future self can give you more information that can guide you forward.
You are a non-physical consciousness that is experiencing physical reality.
You were created in the image of The Creator, your essential essence is unconditional love and the experience of ecstasy is your birth right.
The highest purpose of your life is to be yourself to the best of your ability and live each moment as fully as possible.
Anything you can imagine is possible for you to experience.
You attract your life experiences through the interaction of your strongest beliefs, emotions and actions.
Excitement is the physical translation of the vibrational resonance that is your true, core natural being. Follow your excitement!
Everything you experience is another aspect of yourself.
There is actually only one moment in Creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view.
You create the past and the future from the here and now.
You exist
The One is ALL and the All are One.
What you put out is what you get back. (Circumstances do not determine your state of being, Your state of being determines your circumstances.)
Change is the only constant, except for the first three laws, which never change.
Visualize what you want.
Be intensely excited about what you’re visualizing.
Believe what you desire is possible to manifest.
Accept your belief and your ability to manifest it as being true.
Want and intend are different. You must have the intention to manifest your desire.
Act and behave like your desire has already manifested.
Detach from the outcome. You have to be intense in your desire without any expectation that it manifest.
Repeat steps 2-7, to receive new vision
(relevant to the physical reality experience)
Multiple soul perspective of higher dimensions
Non-physical energy
Spirit realm reality “afterlife”
Parallel reality to each physical reality experience
Physical reality “blueprint” level
Physical energy
Collective agreements
Individual Themes
Physical mind unconscious
Physical energy
Beliefs / belief-systems
Ego behaviour
Physical mind unconscious
Physical energy